
+ I lost 10 pounds since I visited my parents last
– Something I ate there is giving me a nasty stomach ache, or at least I think it was from there. It might have been the pizza's from meijer, they weren't very frozen when I picked them up. Figured it might have been they were defrosting the freezers, but I could be wrong. Hopefully I don't get some strange disease from them. Update: after discussing it with my Doctor (who lent me the car to begin with) we think it was being in an enclosed area with turpentine fumes (his wife carries her artwork in that car) for 3 hours or more straight. On the way there I was driving with the windows down because it was nice out, but it was chilly on the way back, so I had them shut. :-/

+ Fixed my grandma and grandpa's computer
– All the dust in it kicked up my allergies

+ My doctor lent me his wife's car so I could make it safely across the state
+/- Now I've fallen in love with it. I'm gonna see if he's looking to sell it anytime soon

+ Visited alot with my family this weekend
– Forgot to stop by my mom's house until I was halfway to grand rapids on the way home. doh! /me feels dumb now.

+ Looks like I am getting another cousin in a few months
– There's no minus here… :->

Anyway, this weekend rocked.

New developments in my transportation. Details at 9am tomorrow.

Those who I divulged the information to, don't tell. I'll issue a statement tomorrow morning. I'm trying to keep this pretty much under wraps until I tell my parents. :->

One more item of political statements for the day:

Texas Republicans argued over whether their state convention was mainstream or filled with "religious zealots" Saturday as delegates approved a party platform that called for the repeal of the state lottery, declared the United States a Christian nation and favored posting the Ten Commandments on public property.

The Republican platform also reaffirmed the state party's belief that the nation needs to "dispel the myth of the separation of church and state."

The party also added a new emphasis on fighting terrorism. The planks included a call to use "terrorist profiling" to determine who could be searched at airports; the revoking of student visas and deportation of persons from countries that have not declared themselves as allies in the war on terrorism; and the arming of airplane pilots.

How outrageous is that? If anyone I know elects someone because of their belief of any of the above crap, I'm not sure I would consider them sane. Go move to a facist nation if you want it that way. :-/ (I do support arming pilots, but beyond that, it's all crap)

Link is here: http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/story.hts/metropolitan/1445856
In case you think that church and state should not be seperate, let me remind you about the free exercise clause of the first amendment. 8->

Anyway, friends don't let friends vote republican.

oops. I accidentally requested a free test drive of a fluke network analyser. I'm going to be plugging it into networks at various places. I'm thinking Meijer's price check network would be cool, anyone else got any suggestions or places they'd like to see?

0wning the 313
Jacking your shit
I'm the one that makes switch engineers pheer
The one that don't drink beer
Watching the packet counters fly
Watching computers die
I'm invisble, you can't touch me.

-My lame attempt at hax0r poetry

The personal website of Paul Timmins – Telecommunications expert, father.