All posts by paul


Fucking spammers are still going strong. Now my primary mailserver is unreachable as well. yay. at least my 2 backup MX servers are functioning properly :->

Update: Scratch what I said about my 2 backup MX servers functioning. Only one of the two is functioning. πŸ™

yay, a spammer is sending out email with a made up address with my personal domain in it ( in the from line. arrgh.
Thank god for /etc/mail/aliases and /dev/null.

It certainly makes tracking down a problem I'm having with my mailserver much easier when it's being pounded by misdirected bounce messages. Fuckers.

I hate it when the door controls have a bit of lag to them at work, it makes me look like a goof when I smack into them with my face because the magnet hasn't de-energized by the time I hit the door. πŸ™

Fortunately noone is here to laugh at me! πŸ˜‰