I don't feel like screwing with the images. They're big. I'm on ISDN. Thus, I'm not doing an IMG tag.
Click here -> http://mainframe.timmins.net/~noweb4u/people/
Take what you want.
I left them big so you can have a better looking picture to do whatever you want with.
I am speaking specifically to you, – your assassin photo is here.
Anyone who wants to see what denis looks like bald, see the above url. :->
Oh, , your axe photo is here too. Don't forget that you have to use the IP address to access it. (
I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed. See all of you tomorrow!
* Got 1 week to file my 2000 tax return, and am waiting on an IRS-1099 form to do so.
* been woken up in the middle of the night in my underwear by friends screwing around
* been driving a car that is getting scarier and scarier. I really need those new bearings.
* been asked by my work to surrender $1500 in pay because of a mistake THEY made.
* been dealing with a fraudster on eBay
* dealt with a T1 cross connect screwup that was Level(3)'s fault
* dealt with an Oracle database cluster failing in strange and new ways
* learned how to make really annoying flash animations
* started signing CC reciepts in bizarre ways
* mailbombed a friend of mine via livejournal
* passed out because I ate too much rice
* lusted after caffinated soap
* preordered the eminem CD
* watched a bunny get gibbed by a friend of mine's car in the car ahead of me 🙁
* helped work on a friend's deathtrap^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H house.
* tagged said house
* did things I would rather not mention. Not bad morally or ethically, but just not stuff I'm going to admit in a public forum. , and know what I'm talking about here.
* assisted in prank calling my girlfriend
* been on the other end of a similar prank involving
* renewed my lease at my cheap ass apartment complex
God, what a crazy 7 days it's been. I can only wonder what the next 7 will bring.