So western digital decided to send me a customer satisfaction survey…

After my hard disk debacle, where I've been trying for about a week to get the failed drive replaced (read: even showing up as having a warranty on their website)

The following is the completed survey. I had to reformat it to show it here.

1. Please rate the representative with whom you interacted across the traits below in your last contact with WD.
Courtesy (Very Satisfied)
Knowledge (Satisfied)
Support (Very Dissatisfied)
Satisfaction (Very Dissatisfied)

Additional Comments (Please limit your comments within 2000 characters)

This process is assinine, and i'd rather bash myself in the face with a hammer than go through it again. I've wasted a week or more trying to get my product RMAed, and finally only because microcenter has good records do i have a valid warranty on my drive. The entire process seemed like pulling teeth, and inspired a great deal of doubt on my plan to buy a retail drive with a 3 year warranty when i have to waste considerable time and deal with an assinine trouble ticket system that forgets my email address every few hours.

And I have wisdom teeth coming in, and pulling those would be a welcome release from pain. I just want to be clear that when I am talking about pulling teeth, I mean good, healthy ones that cause no issue. I don't want to imply that when I'm done, there's a good feeling. After getting the warranty activated, the system would repeatedly malfunction trying to create an advanced RMA. I guess I'll be seeing my hard disk sometime next month at this rate.

The employee was useful, but the whole process was unnecessary. I have no idea why western digital wouldn't at least honor the drive's warranty based on its date of manufacture to speed things along, that would have been fine with me since it was only 1 month between its date of manufacture and date of sale.

2. How likely are you to recommend this product to your friends, colleagues, or family?

3. How much effort did you personally have to put forth to handle your request?

(Very High)

Additional Comments (Please limit your comments within 2000 characters)

Your website was worthless in ascertaining the actual cause of the issue. Only a vague statement that implied that the data may be incorrect and I have the opportunity to correct it was the only clue that something could be done about the situation. If you're not going to honor warranties because someone didn't register the sale, then come out and say "no record of drive being sold, please contact us to confirm" or something like that. Don't simply say the drive can't be returned under warranty. I'm sure there's some attorney general around somewhere salivating at the thought of something that retarded and misleading.

4. If you had tried to resolve your question prior to speaking to a live agent or sending us an email, how easy or difficult was it to use the features below? Please select N/A if it's not applicable.

Support website (Very Difficult)

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Support website was useless, it mentioned various procedures but didn't imply that I actually had to undergo it for western digital to honor the warranty they sold it with and that this was a routine thing.

5. Did you attempt to handle your request through self-service (via our website) before contacting us directly?

6. Please rate the product you contacted us about based on the attributes below.
Ease of Use (Very Satisfied)
Reliability (Very Dissatisfied)
Documentation (Very Satisfied)
Design and Appearance (Very Satisfied)
Price (Very Satisfied)

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Damn thing died in a month of having it. What more can I say regarding reliability?

Otherwise, it's a great drive.

7. Would you like to be notified on news and updates related to WD products?

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Why this entire process took over a week is mystifying. You'd think the rep's first response would be something like "hey, we don't see any record of that drive being sold. Can you score us a reciept to confirm it? Thanks!" instead of some strange canned response telling me the same shit that's on the website.

2 thoughts on “So western digital decided to send me a customer satisfaction survey…”

  1. The nice thing is that I live 45-ish minutes away from WD's HQ in Lake Forest. If a drive fails and pisses me off, I can just pop down there and fling it through the front window. 😀

  2. This is why I refuse to buy Western Digitals. Period.

    You save the money on the drive, but waste time on the RMA process until you get a magically working drive. I think every WD I have had has died in some way or another.

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