I'm all over the place here guys, so sorry if it's hard to stick with what I'm saying.

I'm alive, so is Becky.

We're doing well.

Last weekend, we played with virtual go karts on the wii with one set of friends, then drove real ones with a different set.

Please register to vote. Do it. Now. Yes, now. Procrastinating on this is not something you want to do, as most states have a requirement that you be registered for at least 30 days prior to the election. If you don't know how, visit the website of the candidate that interests you the most, they all have a link on their site to register to vote. If you don't want to do that, here's a lengthy form that is universal and contains the specific rules for all 50 states.

Felons can vote in most states once their sentence is complete. If you need to know more about felon disenfranchisement, and whether it applies to you, or someone you know, here's a good summary

No updates on 1+1=3.

We had a taco and meteor party last night. It was pretty sweet.

My sister's baby is cute. She had it over a month ago, but this is topical because Saturday is her baby shower.

My 10 meter rig needs to have its mic fixed, and then I'll be on HF. Still just a tech, but if I can find the interest, maybe I won't be for long. 🙂

I made a number of life simplifying accomplishments at work in the last week or two. Maybe later this year I can actually take some time off. That'd be awesome.

I thought this was interesting. I don't hate the guy, I just think he did something stupid. If he succeeds, more power to him. Either way, from everything I've heard, this makes sense. (I am not quoted, anonymously or otherwise, in that article, for the record)

5 thoughts on “I'm all over the place here guys, so sorry if it's hard to stick with what I'm saying.”

  1. If it does, I am going to inquire a lawyer to see if I can fight my record. It will be interesting to see how everything rolls down. I would love to have it stricken, although am counting on nothing…

    1. Good luck for you both if it works out that way.

      Since my charges are on something technically completely unrelated, it won't work for me, not that I've found it career limiting or otherwise.

  2. My 10 meter rig needs to have its mic fixed, and then I'll be on HF. Still just a tech, but if I can find the interest, maybe I won't be for long. 🙂

    what rig do you have? or more specifically what type of mic does it take? I have a mic laying about from my TS-830 that looks like it won't ever be used since I sent the radio off with to see if it was worth fixing.

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