My car isn't on fire. It's not shooting sparks. It is (mostly) working great after I poured just south of a grand into it.
No additional house wiring has decided to try to do the double homicide/suicide thing.
We did a lot this weekend. But it wasn't work. It was a lot of chilling out, and hanging out.
We have a christmas tree, and the beginnings of christmas lights outdoors. Didn't buy enough of them. Oops.
Since we're buying new, all christmas lights we've been buying are LED based. Since everything else in our house is CCFL or LED except for strategically placed incandescents* we don't have to feel like we're wasting tons of electricity doing it. And it's less likely to start a fire. Hooray?
Becky has decided to make pre-prepared delicious breakfasts rather than cereal this week. loaded scrambled eggs and sausage is the breakfast menu this week!
Anyway that's the poop on things.
* I have dimmers in some areas – CCFL plus dimmer usually equals something other than "properly functioning" (and I haven't messed with the dimmable ones yet.
Heh..I'm the exact opposite….if I were to wire up Xmas lights, I want them all to be halogen bulbs, or perhaps even HID 😀
I love that you said, "that's the poop on things".