You have new Picture Mail!
Originally uploaded by Paul Timmins.
Monthly Archives: June 2007
I have a few questions asked in stupid hip hop/rap/whatever songs. Feel free to answer them?
It's been a great 3 day run
+ new minion
+ other thing at work I'll talk about later
+ yearly review coming up at work
+ just saw a house today that I want to put in an offer on. It's *perfect* in every way.
+ the buyer's agent that I thought was really a douche came through for me on the above. yay!
– car needs gas, it's out
– had a two hour long power outage today
– saw a house prior to the one I loved that still has my allergies going. It was a foreclosure but wasn't listed as such or I wouldn't have bothered. All the lightbulbs were taken, everything was a mess, and someone punched a hole in a bedroom wall. Paint was missing as was wallpaper pretty much everywhere. It would have cost at least $15k to get it all where I wanted it. Pity, because the floorplan and outside was great. Busy trying to build a statewide telecommunications network, no thanks.
You have new Picture Mail!
You have new Picture Mail!
Originally uploaded by Paul Timmins.
Both good things happened at work.
This month is going to get very interesting very fast.
I wonder if MCI long distance ever noticed that the command files I'm sending their mainframe over EDI are named after pokemon….