Monthly Archives: April 2007
You can track our progress to Notacon tomorrow. (And likely *from* Notacon on Sunday)
Click here
I'm still working out the bugs but we should have a working APRS setup for the trip. Awesome!
For those who don't know, APRS stands for Amateur (Radio) Position Reporting System. My car will have a 50 watt transmitter strapped to a computer, and via the computer, a GPS. This will send out a data burst at 144.39 Mhz every few minutes, including speed and bearing. Very awesome stuff.
And as the map clearly says:
Whatever that means.
– House we liked got an offer that was accepted hours before we went to see it for the second time and decide if we wanted to write an offer ourselves.
– House we saw after that was awful.
+ Everything got scheduled such that I can leave Friday morning for NAC. Desmon will be in tow. A good time will be had by all. Those of you not attending are expected to have a good reason.
+ Cough went away. Sufficient supplies of allergy medications knocked it dead almost immediately. I guess that means it's allergy season. Woo!!!!
+ Software load went great, it's fixed every problem we've run across.
+ Anything but ethernet project could happen this year and work right. Barbed wire is involved. Again, you'd better have an excuse for not attending notacon.
+ The new ignignokt server kicks ass. It's been working solidly and performing well above expectations.
+ Becky's got an asston of cookies. All sugar free because she's diabetic and I'm hypoglycemic. Woo!
Also regarding
[paul] your overuse of the underscore variable makes me want to cut my eyes out with a knife
[paul] I ban underscore from all my programs
[itszer0] hehe yea
[itszer0] i dint feel like setting variables
[paul] i am going to knife you in a dark alley someday
[itszer0] hehe
[itszer0] sweet
[paul] you'll look up and with your last breath ask: "Why!"
[paul] and I'll just say "underscore."
Okay I've been incredibly busy lately, like that's anything new.
+ I have a nephew now
+ We found a house we liked. We may be putting an offer on it soon
+ I finally replaced my mangled ham radio antenna on my car, adding a Kenwood TM-D700A radio to replace my aging and deficient radio shack piece of poo. Wow is it awesome. AI8W, I saw you on APRS. Did you get my message I sent you?
+ I will be able to attend Notacon on friday, officially.
+ Our ride is shared and our hotel room split on the above. And the panel I'm running is bulging with enough experts to answer any question you could possibly want to come up with about telecommunications.
– I had to go to jackson today. I got there, and the customer held me up for 1.5 hours, then turned me away due to irrelevant contract issues. I grabbed a lunch while the higher ups worked it all out, and came back out. I should have been back by 1pm. I was back at 4:30pm. I went there straight from home at 8am. Ugh.
– I have had a cough for the last 1.75 weeks. I think I originally got it from my niece. Then it was mixed in with my allergies to create this bizarre frankenillness. I think if I remember to take all my allergy meds regularly it should go away. Today was drastically different in this regard and last night was the first time I took everything I was supposed to this season.
– I'm tired and am waiting to do a major software deployment in 20 minutes.
+ I can go in at 9:30-10 as compensation for above
– Clerical error means no direct deposit this week. Live check. Eew.
+ new nin record == good. Thank you, itunes.
Consider The Memory Problem Solved
Consider The Memory Problem Solved
Originally uploaded by Paul Timmins.
Originally uploaded by Paul Timmins.