Uncategorized Walgreens batteries are a 'grate' value July 25, 2006 paul 12 Comments Walgreens batteries are a 'grate' value Originally uploaded by Paul Timmins.
Perhaps they mean grate as in "annoy" or "irritate." It's an annoying value for all your power needs! Reply
A structure or frame containing parallel or crosed bars, with interstices; a kind of latticework, such as is used in the windows of prisons and cloisters. Or maybe they mean as in a latticework of values. Truly the Enron of batteries! Reply
Does that mean that they found some other brand of battery out under a grate in a storm drain and re-labeled them, or something? Reply
All your spell check are belong to us! Looks like Walgreens accidentally left their spell checker set to "Engrish." Reply
Tony the Tiger would be pissed….
they're grrrrrrrate!
Perhaps they mean grate as in "annoy" or "irritate." It's an annoying value for all your power needs!
Or maybe they mean as in a latticework of values.
Truly the Enron of batteries!
X gets the square!
Does that mean that they found some other brand of battery out under a grate in a storm drain and re-labeled them, or something?
it's possible
I'm too groggy to be funny today, I'm sorry.
All your spell check are belong to us!
Looks like Walgreens accidentally left their spell checker set to "Engrish."
hahhaahaha good stuff!
Or should I say, grate stuff?
It's grrrrrrrrrate!