Dear Livejournal,

Your password security requirements are retarded. Apparently, my new password, that you literally forced me to pick, is half the length of the original password. It's somehow more secure because it contains punctuation (with an attacker not knowing that or not, they would be forced to try punctuation, numbers, etc, just because it was possible), but seriously, there was no way in hell my previous password would be guessed by an automated system or human being. It was a strung together sentence.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Oh well.

Love, Paul

First of all, on behalf of everyone on the Notacon proposals committee,
thank you for your proposal submission. We are contacting you to give you
the good news!

You are formally invited to give your presentation at this year's Notacon,
which will run from April 7th through the 9th at the Holiday Inn City Centre
in Cleveland, OH. This is located right downtown. Your admission to this
event is free, compliments of Notacon.

Anyway, so if you weren't going to Notacon, you are now. You will go, and you will pay, and brag to all your friends who had to pay the price for tickets at the door.

And then you're gonna let me sleep on your hotel room floor. And Becky too. That's how I roll. I'm sort of a dirty hippie bastard like that.

I've always wanted to use the "Horny" mood that livejournal offers. I'm sort of curious to see how the blue penguin mood icon is going to represent this. If I were, am, or are not actually horny, you wouldn't know. I'm just abusing this post to try and see what happens when I use that mood icon.

Update: OMGLOLZROFL. If you're reading this through RSS or on my website, here's the icon it uses: .