Uncategorized While trying to track down a movie quote on google…. August 4, 2005 paul 8 Comments Dude, has the criteria for scholarly articles changed?
I was afraid to click on any of them. Especially the one marked "The informative process in medical care…". If it has anything to do with putting the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again, I'm never leaving my house again. Reply
I noticed. You're on order to bring the movie to my house so I can finally watch it. I assume you have it, of course. Reply
I have the book and just bought the prequel and sequel tonight (books) if you're ever interested. Reply
Film Theory?
I was afraid to click on any of them. Especially the one marked "The informative process in medical care…". If it has anything to do with putting the lotion on the skin or else it gets the hose again, I'm never leaving my house again.
Silence of the lambs.
I noticed. You're on order to bring the movie to my house so I can finally watch it. I assume you have it, of course.
oddly enough no, I don't own it.
definately worth renting though.
yea so do you ever have free time or what.
at this point? not really.
I should know more about my personal schedule in the next couple of days.
I have the book and just bought the prequel and sequel tonight (books) if you're ever interested.