To all my friends who are considering a job in the IT field:
If you bag groceries or drive forklifts or whatever, you won't have to spend your time in an 85 degree server room full of alarms at 1:30am.
To all my friends in the heating and cooling business:
I wish your crap would just work. I was tired.
1) Bagging groceries is a real shit job, I did it for a year a D&W Food Centers. I made stereotyping customers a hobby.
2) I currently work as a network admin at a nearby public school. Last summer the A/C died in the server room weekly and the temperatures soared to 90+ degrees before they would come fix it. Then over Christmas break a pipe in the heating system broke, twice. I had the only room in the entire building that was anywhere close to reasonable becuase of the servers heating the room I worked in.
1) hah, yea, I still mock becky because she likes the bread bagged seperately. I call her a grandma, and ask if she'd like it bagged in paper, then plastic. (I spent a lot of time mocking customers with the other baggers and cashiers at Leppinks)
2) heh, yea. I don't trust our backup system, so temperatures going above 75 is really bad, especially since airflow sucks in the server room, since it really was designed to be a wiring closet that got expanded into a nearby utility room. (It's not our datacenter, just a place for about 30-40 servers to support our office)
That's so messed up. I thought that your forbidden box of mystery would have kept people distracted from the thermostat.
heh, the thermostat was set properly. I think the AC system malfunctioned
Forklift driving ain't no picnic either…sucked major donkey balls when its 20 degrees outside, and 5 fucking degrees inside…then you get you get to haul ass thru the warehouse at 15mph in an open cabbed forklift. Yeah..lots of fun there. And I did that 5 days a week for months at a time. You _occasionally_ have to deal with an 85 degree room, and make a shit ton more money for doing so.
I mentioned these jobs because I've done both of them. The stress level is much lower. That's undeniable.
(And if they were actually better, I'd still be doing them instead.)
I remeber one summer when I work for NMU we had to move a machine room full of equipment into the ARTS&Music building temporarly. Well nobody told us that because the build is so little used they would shut the AC off when classes were out of session and not a single window opened. I'll leave it as an exercise for the reader as to what happened next.
haha, I know the pain you speak of. In a 26 floor building they do this shit all the time.
In the summer, I'll trade you a 85 degree room with alarms in a HEARTBEAT!!! That'd be a relief…
Get an air conditioner, hippie. 😉
Sheesh… HIppie? Just cuz I'm growing my hair back? Whippersnapper…
damned longhair