I forgot to mention, one of Timmins Technologies, LLC's projects, Telcodata.US, recieved a writeup in ISP-Planet last month.
Telco Data Goes Open Source
It's not a movement; it's an individual. One person is building a website containing the basic information ISPs need in day-to-day operations that the Bells make tough to find.
by Alex Goldman
ISP-Planet Managing Editor
[April 29, 2004]By day, Paul Timmins is a networking a security engineer for a small- to mid-sized software company (150 employees). But when he goes home, he enters the mysterious universe of telco language. Isn't that like work too?
No. Not for someone whose hobbies include Ham radio and open source software.
Thought that was pretty cool.
SLBHCAXF43J is something you and I will always understand 😛