[noweb4u] has anyone else ever got a piece of sausage stuck under their printscreen key, and if so, how does one get it out. If one doesn't, does it begin to stink?
— storga (~storg@anon.iip) has left #mi2600 (storga)
[itszer0] paul…
[itszer0] ugh.
[itszer0] paul.
[pjustice-work] disassemble keyboard. electronics in sink. flush thoroughly with warm water and a little bit of dish soap. shake out as much water as possible. set in dish drainer. point fan at dish drainer. return in morning.
[noweb4u] itszer0: have you ever recieved mail here addressed to "Zer0"?, and does it work?
[noweb4u] lets say this is a laptop keyboard.
[itszer0] yeah
[pjustice-work] so?
[noweb4u] kickass. I'm getting a poster sent to "noweb4u noweb4u"
[noweb4u] it's not that far in.
[noweb4u] I could probably tweeze the thing out.
[noweb4u] LadyMace: do you have tweezers
[pjustice-work] so if you want to do it the simple way, get a dental pick and lever it out where the vac will get it
[LadyMace] yeay why 4
[pjustice-work] jamas chorizar al teclado
[pjustice-work] that's a pretty specific bloody question.
[noweb4u] el sabor del teclado
[noweb4u] tweezers and strategic key pressing worked.
— pjustice-work has changed the topic to: Michigan 2600 | http://www.the-collective.net/2600 | Noweb40: Has anyone else ever got a piece of sausage stuck under their printscreen key? | Conference line 212-400-7504, dial "7"
— pjustice-work has changed the topic to: Michigan 2600 | http://www.the-collective.net/2600 | Noweb4u: Has anyone else ever got a piece of sausage stuck under their printscreen key? | Conference line 212-400-7504, dial "7"
— noweb4u has changed the topic to: Michigan 2600 | http://www.the-collective.net/2600 | Noweb4u: Has anyone else ever got a piece of sausage stuck under their printscreen key? | Conference line 212-400-7504, dial "7"
[noweb4u] haha
[pjustice-work] sorry
[noweb4u] you beat me
[pjustice-work] uparrow is quicker
[noweb4u] all i have to do is change the subject line at the top and hit enter
[itszer0] 😉 thats lj-post worthy too