Well its adam again, we are still waiting to hear whats going on, pauls been in sience 2… he looked horrible going in, and that was before he was doped up… we are hoping to know within an hour or so before we start to get *too* worried… if anyone wants to come down and see us/paul, we are in the POH, in Pontiac MI, the HUGE like 2 block hospital by Pontiac Main (big big building with horns on the top)…. we are in the main building, 3rd floor, when you get off the elevators take a right, in the waiting room at end of the hall, theres a parking structure you can park in right next door…
theres also food upstairs, huge cafiteria and very reasonable prices… i'd be cool if at least one more person came down here besides me and becky :]
If I lived closer, I;d be there. Give Backy a hug for me please
I gave her a hug for ya
thanks hon
I'm in New Jersey — way too far. But my thoughts are with all of you
I hope everything is ok and that Paul feels better soon.
If I lived nearby I would come and see him! I hope he is doing ok!
Give him my best wishes!