0wning the 313
Jacking your shit
I'm the one that makes switch engineers pheer
The one that don't drink beer
Watching the packet counters fly
Watching computers die
I'm invisble, you can't touch me.
-My lame attempt at hax0r poetry
0wning the 313
Jacking your shit
I'm the one that makes switch engineers pheer
The one that don't drink beer
Watching the packet counters fly
Watching computers die
I'm invisble, you can't touch me.
-My lame attempt at hax0r poetry
Being invisible just means I can't see you, not that I can't touch you. If you were ethereal, I couldn't touch you, but I could see you. Get your superpowers right.
He could mean two seperate things.
1. I'm invisible
You cannot see me.
2. You can't touch me
I have leparosy and I'm covered in feces. Touching is not advised.
I meant everything I said. I'm invisible, and you can't touch me. I wasn't describing being invisible, I was saying I was also untouchable.
Think of it as if I said "I'm invisible, and ethereal."