14 thoughts on “Miscellaneous stuff”

    1. hehe, did you go in the basement with the lights out? it's JUST like the final scene of blair witch. The dark rocky stairway leading into a dark basement. I was just glad I didn't have a camcorder because I was afraid if I did only my tapes would be found. πŸ˜‰

          1. ya know, I fix hundreds of computers a week, and do they call me Paul the computer fixer? no
            I help engineer a well running network, and do they call me Paul the engineer? no
            but you make one fucking crocheted rope, and they'll start finding names for ya!


          2. ya know, I fix hundreds of computers a week, and do they call me Paul the computer fixer? no
            I help engineer a well running network, and do they call me Paul the engineer? no
            but you make one fucking crocheted rope, and they'll start finding names for ya!


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